8: Triggering the Chastity Clause: Pleasure of a Dark Prince

We’re back with the werewolves this week, with one of our very favorite books in the series, Pleasures of a Dark Prince, featuring Garreth MacRieve and Lucia the Huntress, a Valkyrie who is burning it all down.

This episode, we’re discussing the way this book wraps up the first movement of IAD and preps readers for what’s to come (SPOILER: IT’S TORTURE ISLAND), we get into how the books are becoming more political, we update the lost-limb count, begin Lothaire-Watch, and dig into why it’s just plain futile to try to stay away from a werewolf mate on the night of a full moon. More than all that, we’re interviewing moon expert Summer Ash about moon business, and Jen is beyond excited.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast in your favorite podcasting platform — and while you’re there, please leave us a like or a review.

In two weeks, get ready for vivisection, because it’s happening on Torture Island, and we’re doing a reread of Jen’s favorite book in the series, Demon From The Dark! Malkom Slaine is a demon living alone on another plane…until witch Carrow Graie comes to fetch him. Get DFTD at Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or from your local Indie.

Show Notes

This article explains "the heir and a spare" and also has a lot of Prince Harry. Fine.

It's an astronomy heavy show, so learn all about The Big Bang.

Ah, the double entendre.

All about how goals are scored in rugby.

Turns out there are lots of myths about gods and cannibalism.

Chastity is one of the seven virtues, but the seven deadly sins sound a lot more fun.

Is it really necessary to link to Fifty Shades of Grey?

The "he-cession" recession.

Women and the second shift.

The Cooler stars WILLIAM H. Macy, obviously. Robert H. Macy isn't even a thing.

The Amazon rainforest is truly amazing, but Brazil's new president Jair Bolsonaro is removing legal protections from the rainforest.

A man who tried to contact a legally protected island tribe died in the South Pacific last year.

Indiana Jones and lots and lots of snakes.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider is a 2001 movie with Angelina Jolie, but here's a great explainer to the entire Lara Croft franchise.

El Dorado myths and details.

Jen's idly curious if Charlie/Isabel character is a nod to the Brazilian Travesti culture, but she doesn't know enough about it to be sure.

The Wonder Woman "Godkiller" is a sword, not an arrow.

In two weeks, we'll be discussing Malkom & Carrow in Demon From the Dark.

Welcome Summer Ash! Please check out her blog Startorialist, which brings science and fashion together.

More about moon phases and the baby moon/dying moon way of remembering if the moon is waxing or waning.

The Dreamwakers Program helps classrooms all over the country skype with scientists and STEM people. So cool!

No, you can't blow up the moon.

What If! is a great collection of XKCD columns, including Jen's favorite about whether or not you can swim in a pool with spent nuclear rods.

Jen really loves books about nuclear disasters.

Light pollution is the worst.

Check out the Sky Guide app.

More about Haley's Comet and the Bayeux Tapestry.

Astronomy on Tap is worth checking out.

The moon is amazing. Look up!

Lost Limb Count

Arms and Hands (5)

  1. Conrad cuts off his own hand with a rusty axe so he escape the "witched" chains his brothers locked him in. (Dark Needs at Night's Edge)
  2. Cadeon has both of his hands burned off in the same scene where he loses an eye. There's description of what Cade's baby fingers look like as they are re-growing. It's...kinda gross. (Dark Desires After Dusk)
  3. Sebastian pulverizes most of his right arm during the Hie. He regenerates. (No Rest For the Wicked)
  4. Lucia peels all the skin off from her hand in order to free herself from some handcuffs. (Pleasure of a Dark Prince)
  5. In order to retrieve the ring from La Dorada , Lothaire cuts off her finger. (Pleasure of a Dark Prince)

Chest and Torso (2)

  1. Omort severs Rydstrom's spine and punches through his torso in a fight. Sabine saves him and enlists Hag to help heal him. (Kiss of a Demon King)
  2. Lucia's neck is broken. She regenerates. (Pleasure of a Dark Prince)

Face and Eyes (3)

  1. Bowen loses an eye and most of his forehead during the Hie. Mariketa has cursed him and he can't heal until he returns to her. (Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night)
  2. Cadeon loses an eye and part of his forehead and hair when fighting. It all regenerates. (Dark Desires After Dusk)
  3. During a rugby match, Garreth has his teeth knocked out and swallows them. (Pleasure of a Dark Prince)

Legs and Feet (3)

  1. Lachlain tears off his own leg to reach Emma. He regenerates. (A Hunger Like No Other)
  2. Mariketa's skull is fractured and her leg is torn from her body. She heals herself after Bowen lays on the ground. Ivy grows over her and heals her. (Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night)
  3. Thronos is chasing Melananthe and loses a foot when a portal closes on it. (Kiss of a Demon King)

These Lingering Questions

  1. Does Garreth's losing his connection with his mortal soul count? (Pleasure of a Dark Prince)
Sarah MacLean
Sarah writes books. There's smooching in them.

8.5: Gateways to Romance


7.5: Scotland Historical Romances